How To Protect Business Documents From a Natural Disaster

How To Protect Business Documents From a Natural Disaster

Often, when people think of the need to protect business documents, we assume the culprit would be a bad actor taking physical copies or hacking online servers to steal valuable information. While these are legitimate threats to defend your company against, so are natural disasters.

Natural disasters can occur with little warning and wreak havoc on your vital documents. But how do you prepare your business for this risk? Follow this guide to learn how to protect business documents from a natural disaster.

Consider Offsite Storage

If your business’s location is in a disaster-prone area, consider moving your physical storage to an offsite facility. Keep copies of important documents at your working location, if necessary, but be sure to have original documents safe and sound in a nearby city where the risk of a natural disaster is not as high.

Protect Onsite Documents

Protect any documents that you plan to keep at your location by investing in filing cabinets that are resistant to fire, water, and impact. Ensure that all employees know to store documents in these filing cabinets instead of desk drawers so that everything is in a safe and central location.

Prepare the Physical Location

Preparing your property is a prudent safety precaution to follow as well. The safer your building is, the less likely it will be that the contents inside will sustain damage. Have regular inspections, anchor shelves and equipment to walls and the floor, and ensure your storage space is above flood level.

Use Digital Document Service

Digital document services turn your physical copies into digital ones that you can store on a cloud system, so they will always be safe and secure. Digital document scanning is the smartest decision to keep your documents safe, as it will protect them from all different kinds of threats—including hacks, daily wear and tear, and natural disasters.

Reach out to a digital document scanning service in California like ScanStrong to protect your documents from natural disasters and more.

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