Green Tips for an Environmentally Friendly Office

Green Tips for an Environmentally Friendly Office

Today’s offices are massive consumers of many different resources. From the workers to the computers to the furnace, lots of things in the office chew up resources. Environmental issues are important topics for businesses around the world, and how you address them says a lot about your company. Making some small changes in the day-to-day can have a large impact on the environment and the message your company sends to the public. Use these green tips for an environmentally friendly office.

Install Motion Lights

Installing motion lights in the office will save energy and money on the electric bill. Motion lights are programmed to turn off after a set amount of time. If no one is in the room, there’s no need for the lights. A simple retrofit will save money and energy, and the lights will eventually pay for themselves.

Go Paperless

Paper is a major part of most offices, and it has been for decades. That time is drawing to an end as more companies go paperless. It is possible to conduct business without any paper by going totally digital. All communications are done via telephone and the Internet, and documents are digital and signable via e-signatures, making paper obsolete in the digital age. Commercial scanning services can convert all old paper documents to digital on-site and destroy the old ones.

Start a Sustainability Team

A sustainability team can consult on purchasing decisions, creating a more successful recycling program, and raise awareness about environmental issues. When employees engage with each other, the message is delivered and received more effectively than a memo from the top. Empower the team to make green decisions and create green activities for the employees.

Shut Down Every Night

How many of you leave your computer on all night? Why? When no one in the office, there’s no reason to leave the computers on. Shut down every electronic device in the office at the end of the day. Machines running for 16 hours without anyone to use them is a huge waste of energy.

Leave the Thermostat Alone

Let’s face the facts—in the office, no one is comfortable all the time. Some people are going to be hot all the time, and others are going to be cold. With so many people in one spot, it’s impossible to please everyone. Set the thermostat at a reasonable temperature so that the furnace or A/C isn’t running day and night. Use these green tips for an environmentally friendly office for the greater good.

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